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Android M Adakah Macaroon MuffinCara Hack Twitter Tanpa Software Youtube FreeCara Hack Twitter Tanpa Software Youtube FreeCara Hack Twitter Tanpa Software Youtube FreeMarshmallow Setakat ini belum ada lagi nama rasmi, dan hanya dipanggil Android M. Google juga turut memperkenalkan ciri ciri menarik yang akan dilengkapi oleh Android M. Jom tengok 6 ciri terhebat Android M. Fingerprint Reader Support. Pengimbas cap jari fingerprint scanner untuk telefon pintar sebelum ni diperkenalkan dengan pelancaran telefon pintar keluaran Apple, i. Phone 5s. Kini pengeluar pengeluar telefon pintar jenama lain turut menggunakan teknologi ini untuk telefon keluaran mereka. Cara Hack Twitter Tanpa Software Youtube Free' title='Cara Hack Twitter Tanpa Software Youtube Free' />Oleh itu, Google sertakan sokongan pengimbas cap jari di dalam Android M untuk kegunaan telefon pintar yang mempunyai pengimbas cap jari. Dengan adanya pengimbas cap jari, pengguna Android tidak lagi perlu menggunakan username dan password untuk membuka telefon sebaliknya hanya mengimbas cap jari saja. Android Pay. Android Pay adalah fungsi baharu yang membenarkan pengguna membeli dan berbelanja wang dengan menggunakan telefon pintar mereka, melalui aplikasi tertentu. Fungsi ini sebelum ini juga diperkenalkan oleh Apple, iaitu Apple. Pay. Android Pay bukan saja membolehkan pengguna membeli barangan atas talian sahaja, tetapi juga boleh membeli di kedai sebenar. Google membenarkan pembangun aplikasi untuk membangunkan aplikasi yang membolehkan pengguna membeli dan membayar barangan di kedai sebenar. Sebagai contoh, apabila pengguna ke kedai makan yang mempunyai aplikasi Android Pay, untuk membayar makanan, pengguna hanya perlu membayar melalui aplikasi Android Pay sahaja tanpa perlu menggunakan wang ringgit sebenar. Power and Charging. Android M turut menawarkan peningkatan kepada jangka hayat bateri telefon pintar pengguna dengan fungsi terbaru yang dinamakan Doze. Doze berfungsi dengan cara menggunakan sensor telefon pintar pengguna untuk mengesan berapa lama penguna membiarkan telefon pintar tanpa menggunakanya. Jika pengguna tidak menggunakan telefon untuk seketika, Doze secara automatik akan mematikan dan mengurangkan kuasa pemprosesan telefon tersebut. Ini secara tidak langsung dapat mengurangkan penggunaan bateri telefon, dan dapat memanjangkan jangka hayat bateri. Google berkata, jangka hayat bateri akan bertambah sebanyak 2 kali ganda semasa di dalam mode standby. Apabila pengguna mengangkat atau menggerakkan telefon, Doze secara automatik akan mengembalikan kuasa pemprosesan kepada telefon. App Permissions. Dalam versi Android sebelum ini, jika pengguna ingin memuat turun aplikasi dari Google Play, pengguna perlu sentiasa membenarkan aplikasi tersebut. Kebanyakan masanya, pengguna tidak membaca kebenaran aplikasi ini, sebaliknya hanya menekan approve sahaja. Dengan Android M, Google membuatkan app permissions lebih senang untuk difahami. Jika sebelum ini pengguna perlu membenarkan aplikasi ketika henda memasangnya, kini pengguna perlu membenarkan aplikasi hanya ketika hendak menggunakan sesuatu fungsi di dalam aplikasi tersebut. Sebagai contoh, apabila pengguna henda menggunakan Whatsapp voice note untuk pertama kali, Android M akan bertanyakan kebenaran aplikasi untuk menggunakan Microphone. App Links. Salah satu fungsi yang membebankan pengguna Android sebelum ini adalah apabila Android sentiasa bertanya aplikasi manakan yang pengguna nak gunakan untuk membuka pautan laman web. Sebagai contoh, jika pengguna menekan pautan laman web Twitter, Android akan bertanya sama ada hendak membuka pautan itu melalui aplikasi Twitter atau Chrome. Sudah tentulah pengguna henda membukanya dengan aplikasi Twitter. Android sebelum ini tidak dapat memahami perkara ini. Dengan fungsi terbaru Android M, tiada lagi masalah itu,Google mengatakan yang Android M dapat memahami jenis pautan dan aplikasi manakah yang akan digunakan. Fungsi ini membenarkan pengguna menggunakan telefon Android dengan lebih senang dan pantas. Chrome Custom Tabs. Sebelum ini, jika pengguna menekan pautan di dalam sesuatu aplikasi, Android akan membuka Chrome untuk melayari pautan tersebut. Ini sangat membebankan kerana pengguna kini membuka 2 aplikasi. Dan pengguna perlu menukar aplikasi jika hendak kembali ke aplikasi sebelum ini dan mungkin perlu log masuk kembali. Fungsi terbaru Android M iaitu Chrome Custom Tabs akan membolehkan sesuatu aplikasi itu membuka tabs sendiri tanpa perlu membuka aplikasi Chrome. Dan pengguna jugak tidak perlu lagi log masuk semula ke dalam laman web. Fungsi ini tidaklah sehebat mana tetapi secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan penggunaan aplikasi. Baiklah itu saja 6 ciri terbaik Android M yang dapat dikongsikan. Sama sama lah kita tunggu Android M. Cheat Engine. Download Cheat Engine 6. Mac. November 1. 3 2. Cant run Cheat Engine. There is apparently some malware going around that blocks execution of Cheat Engine Saying file missing, check filename, etc. If you have been a victim of this then try this windows repair tool to fix your windows install Download Repair Tool. November 9 2. 01. SpanishLatin translation added. Manuel Ibacache M. Chile has provided us with spanishLatin translation files for Cheat Engine. They can be downloaded from the download section where you can find the other translation files, or right here. June 7 2. 01. 7 Cheat Engine 6. Released. Cheat Engine 6. Indiana Ebook Project more. New lua functions, GUI improvements, codepage scanning, several bugfixes and moreSee below. Download Cheat Engine 6. If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker, irc or by e mail. And if you have questions, dont hesitate to ask them in the forum, irc or Discord. Fixes Fixed some DPI issues at some spots. Fixed the Not scan for ALLsimple values now also applies to the All type. Fixed not adding the 0 terminator to strings when the option was set to add it. Fixed ultimap hotkeys. Fixed ultimap. 2 filtering. Changing pointers in the change address dialog wont setoverride global memrec and address anymore local nowFixed show as signed not working for custom types. Fixed several issues with the structure spider. Fixed 6. 4 bit registers in the tracer getting truncated on doubleclick, and fix r. Fixed copypaste in the scanvalue. Fixed kernelmode Query. Memory. Regions for windows build 1. Fixed some disassembler errors. Fixed lua command full. Access. Fixed text to speech if launched from a different thread. Fixed clicking on checkboxes when the dpi is different. Fixed the found code dialog count size. Fixed mono freezing Cheat Engine when it crashesfreezes. Additions and changes Changed the processlist and added an Applications view similar to the taskmanager. Small change to the tutorial first step wording. Structure Dissect Added RLE compression by mgr. Structure Dissect If setting a name, it will also be shown in the header. The symbolhandler can now deal with complex pointer notations. Added support for single To. PA systems for ultimap. Added some more spots where the history will be remebered in memoryview. Memoryrecords with auto assembler scripts can now execute their code asynchronous rightclick and set Execute asynchronousKernelmode memory readingwriting is safer now. Added an option to filter out readable paths in the pointerscan rescan. Added code. Page support. Added fontdisplay options to several places in CEAdded a searchreplace to the script editors. You can now delete addresses and reset the count from Find what addresses this code accessesAdded a statusbar to the hexview in memoryview. Pointerscan for value scans now add the results to the overflow queue. Opening a file and changing bytes do not change them to the file anymore you need to explicitly save nowAdded an option to the processlist to filter out system processes. Added a system to let users sign their tables so you know you can trust their tables. Memory record dropdown lists can now reference those of others. USe as entry text memoryrecorddescriptionAdded an option to notify users of new versions of Cheat Engine. Custom Types can now be referenced from Lua. Auto assembler lua sections now have access to memrec which is the memory record they get executed from. Can be nilstring. To. MD5. String now support strings with a 0 byte in themauto. Assemble now also returns a disable. Info object as 2nd parameter. You can use this to disable a scriptadded Action and Value properties to Memory. Record. Hotkey objectsadded screen. To. Client and client. To. Screen for Control objectsadded read. Small. Integer and write. Small. Integeradded enable. DRMadded open. File. As. Processsave. Opened. Fileadded save. Current. State. As. Design for CEForm objectsadded disable. Without. Execute and disable. All. Without. Executeadded On. Custom. Draw events to the listviewadded beingend. Update for the Strings classadded SQL supportadded color overrides to the disassembler textadded On. Paint to the Custom. Control classadded auto. Assemble. Check to syntax check an AA scriptfixed the addresslist returning nil for Popup. Menu while popup. Menu did workadded an timeout option for pipesadded some graphical optionsadded some low level system functions. Russian translation has been updated. Chinese translation has been updated. May 1. 5 2. 01. 7 Korean language files. Thanks to Petrus Kim there are now Korean language files for Cheat Engine. You can get them here. Just extract it to the language folder in the Cheat Engine installation folder and youll be able to use it. April 1. 3 2. 01. Cheat Engine for Macintosh download. For the Mac users under us there is now a mac version available for download. Its based on Cheat engine 6. I will be upgrading it to 6. I get. Tip if you have trouble opening processes Reboot your Mac and hold CMDR during boot to enter the recovery console. There open the terminal using the top menu and enter csrutil disable. Then reboot and youll be able to open most processes Youtube video by New. Age. Soldier in case its not clearOctober 6 2. Cheat Engine 6. 6 Released. Cheat Engine 6. 6 has been released. It has several fixes, new scan functionality, gui changesimprovements, Ultimap 2, better hotkeys, more programming options, and moreSee below. Download Cheat Engine 6. If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to report them in the forum, bugtracker, irc or by e mail. And if you have questions, dont hesitate to ask them in the forum or irc. Fixes Fixed saving of hotkey sounds. Fixed the CF flag in the disassembler stepping mode. Fixed Kernelmode Virtual. Query. Ex for Windows 1. Fixed DBVM for Windows 1. Fixed the shortest assembler instruction picking for some instructions. Fixed a few bugs in the break and trace routine when youd stop it while the thread still had a single step set. Fixed several ansi to UTF8 incompatbilities that poped up between 6. Fixed the stackview not properly setting the color, and giving an error when trying to change a color. Fixed the exe generator not adding both. Fixed some places of the disassembler where it helps guessing if something is a float or not. When using the code finder, it wont show the previous instruction anymore if its on a REP MOVSinstruction. Fixed an issue when editing memoryrecords with strings, where wordwrap would add newline characters. Fixed D3. D alpha channel for textures and fontmaps. Fixed the helpfile not being searchable. The installer will now mark the CE destination folder as accessible by APPS. APPSFixed the form designed crashing is resized wrong. Additions and changes Ultimap 2 for Intel CPUs of generation 6 and later no DBVM needed for thoseLanguage select if you have multiple language files for CEMemoryrecord pointer offsets can use calculations, symbols and lua code now. While stepping in the debugger you can now easily change the EIPRIP register by pressing ctrlf. CE is brought to front when a hotkey is pressed. Made the GUI more adaptive to different fontsizes and DPISeveral font and minor GUI changes. Added DPIAware and a font override to the settings window. DPI aware is on by default, but can be turned of if experiencing issuesAdded option to enable pause by default.